
AWS EC2 instance Remote Desktop configure | EC2 Windows Instances Config | Part-1

10/3/2019 1:51:43 AM

In this tutorial we create aws ec2 instance remote desktop configure.  Let's start, first visit . Then click “sign in to the console” option.

Then you can see the view like that:

Now enter email and password then click ” sign up” button.

Now click to “launch instance” option.

Now find the Microsoft windows server 2012 R2 Base. Then select it.

Now click “Next configure instance details”

Now click “next: add storage”.

Now click next add tags. Then click next: configure security group.  Then click review and launch. Then click launch:

Now we can see this window:

Now select a new key pair then type key pair name then click download key pair. Now we can see the windows:

Then click view windows. We can see our machine is initializing:

Then click actions under connect:

Now we can see this window and click download button : given bellow

Then select downloaded file from your pc. Click decrypt password. Then copy your password.

Now create a folder in your computer. Under the folder create a text file and past the password.  And downloaded all file move our folder.

Now double click the file and open it then give the password from the note:

Then click ok.

Now we can see our remote desktop.

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Reza Karim

Software Engineer

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